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Knight Lenny, 2023



Volkskrant Magazine, 2nd price Zilveren Camera, cat. portrait - series


Travelling exhibition Zilveren Camera, 38CC Delft

2023 - ongoing

A big thank you to my subject, Knight Lenny ( Stepping into his life is a treat. Also thanks to my teacher Milan Gies and my mother who made our meet up possible.

Text: Annerieke Goudappel

This portfolio and all content within this portfolio are the property of Nynke Brandsma and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.©

Water Knight

EN: Slowly the knight moves through river country, until the evenings turn purple-blue. The knight needs no one. He built his floating castle with his own two hands and the only laws that reign here are his own. His ally on the water is Hercules, the white horse in the courtyard. Since without a horse a knight is nowhere. Stubbornly they defy the laws that weigh on everyone, of how to live and who to be. They leave their very own traces through the ancient water. The knight allowed me into the cellars and caverns of his castle. My camera is the witness of this life outside of time: noble, pure and irresistible.

NL: Traag trekt de ridder door rivierenland, tot de avonden paarsblauw kleuren. De ridder heeft niemand nodig. Eigenhandig bouwde hij zijn drijvend kasteel en hier gelden alleen zijn wetten. Bondgenoot op het water is Hercules, het witte paard op de binnenplaats. Want zonder paard is een ridder nergens. Weerbarstig weerstaan zij de wetten die op ieder drukken, van hoe te leven en wie te zijn. Zij trekken hun eigen sporen door het eeuwenoude water. De ridder liet mij toe, tot in de kelders en krochten van zijn kasteel. Mijn camera is getuige van dit leven buiten de tijd: edel, puur en onweerstaanbaar.

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